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Are you fat, beefcake or athletic? |
A mesomorphic individual excels in strength, agility, and speed. Their medium structure and height, along with their tendency to gain muscle and strength easily makes them a strong candidate for a top athlete in any sport. They can sustain low body fat levels and find it easy to lose and gain weight.
An endomorphic individual typically has short arms and legs and a large amount of mass on their frame. Their mass hampers their ability to compete in sports requiring high levels of agility or speed and perform sustained weight bearing aerobic activities such as running. Sports of pure strength, like power lifting, are perfect for an endomorph. They can gain weight easily and lose condition quickly if training stops.
Individuals in this category are typically long, slender and thin, and therefore power and strength sports are perhaps not suitable as their slight build leaves them susceptible to injuries. While they can easily get lean and hard, their lack of musculature severely limits their chances in sports requiring mass. Ectomorphs dominate endurance sports and gymnastics. They can archive low levels of body fat which can be detrimental to health and for females in endurance sports it can result in a cessation of periods and iron deficiency.
So what can you do about it?
Nothing, absolutely nothing. As much as you would want to change your body type; genetics play a huge part in what kind of athlete you already are. However, here are 5 ways for you to get the most of your god given body.
1)Master the technique of your sport well
Whichever the chosen sport that you engage in regularly, it makes sense to take advantage of your body type by mastering the technique well. Mesomorphs who play soccer can learn to sprint faster, ectomorphs in volleyball to spike better and endomorphs to powerlift with better form. You will learn to generate better performances simply by complementing your genetics.
2)Take advantage of your strengths
God gave you your body for a reason so use that body in the best way possible. Try sports that fit your body type and you never know it might be the right direction for you.
3)Adapt to a diet suitable for your goals
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Eat right! |
If you wanted to lose weight, eat a diet that will help you lose weight and vice versa. It will not help one bit if you knew you were an ectomorph but you are still eating like a mouse trying to gain weight. Fit your diet to your goals and see more performance increases in your strength and general health.
4)Understand the training responses for your body type
Ectomorphs respond to training with heavy, low rep sets with a minimal number of total sets per workout. Ectomorphs need to resist the urge to increase volume because it increases metabolism and depletes glycogen.
Endomorphs are better suited to short-term high intensity cardio of 15-25 minutes total duration, 5-6 times per week. Endo’s also respond better to multiple short sessions of hard cardio spread throughout the day. Endomorphs rarely exhibit overtraining symptoms.
Mesomorphs make good bodybuilders but have a tendency to gain fat easily. They need to follow a program geared toward building a harder and leaner physique. They respond well to heavy, high-rep work. There is also a need to include basic movements without neglecting detail and finishing exercises.
5)Create a positive image of what you want to be
You will never be happy with the body that you have unless you already have a positive mental picture of yourself. Your body is the physical ambassador of your thoughts so believe in the strength of your body type regardless of how it looks now. Believe in a stronger version of yourself and work towards that goal constantly.
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you can do it! |
Although we have been given the body to start with it is very much a degree of 'you are what you train for' It does form a starting point for sports selection but learning to deal with it and taking advantage your body's abilities will psychologically push you ahead of the competition! If you like this post, please share it with your friends and like the Facebook page @ Paddlegeeksingapore